District Conference 2014

Atlantic Northeast District Conference

October 4, 2014

 Click here for explanation of LOGO
Child Care will be provided this year, courtesy of our District Nurture Commission.  Click here for details.
A special buffet Ministry Recognition Luncheon will take place to honor newly licensed, ordained, interim and placed ministers.  Click here for details and the registration form.


In 1966, I attended NYC at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. When I returned, I remember telling my friends and family that National Youth Conference was a “mountaintop” experience for me. My earlier “mountaintop” experiences were at Camp Swatara, particularly during vespers and sacred campfires. At both NYC and camp, I felt inspired to love and serve Christ, connected to God and others in a deeper sense, and somehow different for having been there. I was reluctant to return home, aware of the difficulty, perhaps impossibility, of holding on to those feelings and experiences. I knew even then that much of life is lived on the flat places and in the valleys. Yet I yearn for the mountaintops: inspiration, deep connectedness, and transformation.

Perhaps few (if any) would describe District Conference as a “mountaintop” experience.  However, when the church is gathered together in the Spirit of Christ and for His purposes, there are possibilities for inspiration, deep connectedness, and transformation. Let us pray that at District Conference, we experience the presence of those possibilities.

Inspiration: Worship at District Conference will focus on the theme, Building up the body of CHRIST, based upon Ephesians 4:11-16. Mark Wenger, Director of Pastoral Studies at Eastern Mennonite Seminary (Lancaster), will lead a Bible study at 7:30 a.m.  At 1:30 p.m. a special worship service is planned. The Lancaster CoB Tour Choir “Singing Our Faith”, led by Emery DeWitt, will provide special music. Paul Mundey, pastor of the Frederick, MD church, will preach the message, The Drumbeat of Love, while Dave Weiss, conference logo designer, portrays the message in a live painting. We will both hear and see the message preached. Together in worship, let us glorify God and “Build up the body of CHRIST.”

Deep connectedness: At District Conference, we are a community gathered to do the business of  the church. We have the opportunity to connect with persons from all parts of the District. We hear information and reports about the activities of the District and of other related ministries. We celebrate Christ’s work among us. We make decisions: voting upon by-law changes that will have been presented and discussed at sectional meetings, approving a Ministry Investment Plan, and calling a slate of new leaders. Together in community, let us glorify God and “Build up the body of CHRIST.”

Transformation: At District Conference and throughout the churches of the Atlantic Northeast District, we pray that the Holy Spirit is at work within and through us, changing us to be more like Jesus. Together in the Spirit, let us glorify God and “Build up the body of CHRIST.”

I have enjoyed my visits to churches and events throughout the District this past year. I look forward to seeing many of you at District Conference, both delegates and non-delegates. If you are not planning to attend the conference in its entirety, I hope that you will consider worshipping with us during the special afternoon worship service.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our District and for this conference.

Sherry Eshleman,  Moderator