This event has been cancelled
WHEN: Thursday October 16, 2014
WHERE: Atlantic Northeast District Lower Level Conference Room – 500 E. Cedar St., Elizabethtown
TIME: 1:30pm-4:00pm
SEMINAR DESCRIPTION: This continuing education seminar for Ordained and Licensed ministers will explore the gerontological and sociological imperatives for ministry not only to, but for and with maturing adults in the second half of life. Attention will be given to the developmental and spiritual needs of persons in this stage of life in order to strengthen the church’s educational and ministerial endeavors in behalf of this growing segment of society.
- To become informed about the vast diversity of the “beyond 50” adult population.
- To understand the special gifts that maturing adults over 50 bring to the life of faith.
- To recognize the developmental and spiritual aspects of doing ministry that is both intentional and holistic.
- To identify educational resources that will enhance the church’s efforts to better utilize the gifts and talents of maturing adults in ministries that will also benefit other age cohorts in the church.
SEMINAR LEADER: The seminar leader is Bill Cave, an ordained minister in the Annville congregation who served for many years as the Director of Social Services at Lebanon Valley Brethren Home. He served on the Board of Directors of the former Association of Brethren Caregivers and was a member of the denomination’s Older Adult Ministry Cabinet. Bill is the Atlantic Northeast District Coordinator of ACTS (Academy Certified Training System) and an adjunct instructor for the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center.
SPONSOR: Atlantic Northeast District Ministry Commission
COST: $25 per person, which includes 0.3 CEU’s.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: October 2, 2014. No refunds given after October 9, 2014. Register by completing the form below:
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: October 2, 2014. No refunds given after October 9, 2014.