Ministry Commission

For a list of Ministry Commission Members, please click HERE.

ANE’s District Ministry Commission is at the core of district ministry.

The District Ministry Commission is responsible for credentialing ministers – Licensing and Ordaining – through supervision of: ministry preparation and training; financial aid for ministry education; Readiness for Ministry testing and evaluation; mentoring; continuing education; ministerial ethics; and, in cooperation with the District Executive, general issues related to Pastoral Placement.

Call to Ministry Steps




Credentialing in the Church of the Brethren

In the Church of the Brethren, the call to set-apart ministry is of God. The discernment process, while deeply personal, is not solely a private affair. Individuals are called by God and the church through both a profound inner conviction and the affirmation of such conviction by a congregation.

Calling begins in the congregation. Either a person who feels led by God to explore whether he or she may be called to ministry or a congregation who has experienced gifts of ministry in one of its members may initiate the call. Congregational leaders observe the spiritual maturity and commitment of all persons within their congregation, anticipating that some will be ready to answer God’s call to ministerial leadership. Congregations should provide encouragement and positive role models for those considering ministry. The process of discernment is critical for both the ministry candidate and the church.

The Church of the Brethren defines two degrees of ministerial leadership: licensure and ordination. The licensed minister gives time and opportunity for the person and the church to test their preliminary judgement regarding the call to ministerial leadership. This designation also authorizes the person to participate in many services of ministerial leadership while engaging in an approved educational program.

The next level of ministerial leadership is ordination. An ordained person is one who has fulfilled education requirements; demonstrates leadership ability and maturity of judgement; has a thorough knowledge of and commitment to the history, beliefs and polity of the Church of the Brethren; affirms the expectations and commitments of ministerial leadership; and intends to make church service a major part of his or her lifework.



Pastoral Placement

Please take a look at our current available positions within our District.

If you are not currently an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren, please contact our office to find out more about our placements.



Documents and Forms

Pastoral Documents and Forms are now located on our Forms and Documents page.

Pastoral Resources can be found on our Resources page.



Recent Ministry Activity in the ANE

This short video celebrates all who have been ordained, licensed, placed, served as interims, graduated as well as had special milestones in their ministry.