Church 2 Church

Church2Church 01-04(500w)CHURCH 2 CHURCH

 This is a church to church “community building” ministry outreach opportunity that allows churches with needs to partner with churches who are interested in a service project.

  • Possible projects might include (but not be limited to) painting, landscape clean up, or cleaning out rooms in the church.
  • The work being done is meant to offer encouragement and a spiritual boost to a congregation with needs it cannot meet on its own.
  • No structural work or projects that require licenses or permits will be included in this ministry

Requests for needs and offers to serve should be submitted allowing ample time to make appropriate arrangements for travel, for obtaining materials, and for hosting on the day of the work event.

This will be a church to church process.

  • This ministry will be open to all ANE district congregations.
  • A service project request for an individual must be submitted through an ANE congregation.
  • A youth group, Sunday School class, or another similar group may be able to perform these service projects.
  • The materials, tools, and expenses to complete the projects will be coordinated between the partnering churches.


Interested persons (with needs or those who desire to serve) may contact:

Atlantic Northeast District Office  (717-367-4730),


Director of Witness and Outreach

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