2016 Congregational Officers Report

Please complete the following as accurately as possible and submit no later than JANUARY 11, 2016.

Contents of this form will be emailed to Wanda Rohde.
Please provide NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER and EMAIL ADDRESS, if available.

We can only include one name per category in our database.
Select the person who most closely fits the job title, even though your congregation may use a different title for that office..

2016 Congregational Officers Report




  • Please use the form below to indicate CHANGES ONLY to last year’s report.
    If there is a new person in a position, please complete their contact information on the lines below (simply UNCHECK the NO CHANGE box and the appropriate fields will become visible). Otherwise, check the box for each line to indicate whether there is: (1) no change for that position from last year or (2) no one from your congregation filling that role.
    FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE HAVE MARKED EVERY POSITION AS NO CHANGE by default. This allows you to only make changes for the positions that have changed
    Each line should either have a box checked or contact information for a person new in the position.
    If you have questions, please call the District Office.

M/WP Moderator


03 Board Chair


06 Stewardship/Treasurer


07 Witness/Evangelism


29 Music/Worship


SA Senior Adult


27 Secretary/Admin.Asst.


26 Disaster Coordinator


63 Jr. High Advisor


66 Sr. High Advisor

