Atlantic Northeast District Conference

Leffler Chapel, Elizabethtown College

District Conference is the annual gathering of Church of the Brethren congregations, fellowships and projects within the Atlantic Northeast District.  District Conference offers an opportunity for fellowship, worship and a chance to participate in important topics related to the district.  The goal is to work together to create spiritually healthy congregations who covenant and network together to further the Kingdom of God.

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OCTOBER 5-6, 2018

Leffler Chapel and Performance Center at Elizabethtown College
1 Alpha Drive, Elizabethtown, PA  17022

Join us for this year’s District Conference!


Our Bible theme for this year’s Atlantic Northeast District Conference comes to us from Philippians 4:8 ~  “Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

There are certainly many true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent and praiseworthy things happening in our families, churches and communities to share with one another at our District Conference this October 5th & 6th!   We’re already getting excited about it!  Why?  Because it is a wonderful time of joy with other members of our extended Christian family.  This year, we will be returning to a Friday night worship and fellowship time and a Saturday Conference.  Certainly, we will be praising God and enjoying each other through God’s love during our Saturday business sessions, but our time of worship will be a separate and special event by itself once again this year. We will lift our voices to our Creator and Sustainer and celebrate His goodness for us as we meditate on this year’s theme Think About Good Things.”


2018 Moderator

~ Misty Wintsch, Moderator

Misty is the Associate Pastor at Mechanic Grove. Her local Church responsibilities include: Christian nurture for adults and children, preaching monthly, and sharing visitation, pastoral care and counseling. Misty also provides oversight and Christian guidance for Children’s Outreach Ministries at Mechanic Grove which operates  Preschool, Day Care and Before & After School and Summer Childcare programs.  Her past District Responsibilities have included District Board Vice Chair, Gifts Discernment Team, and Camp Swatara’s Adult Activities Commission.  She also chaired the District Search Committee that called our District Executive, Pete Kontra.  She is currently mentoring five licensed ministers, and acts at the District’s TRIM Coordinator. Misty’s Denominational responsibilities include having served as the Annual Conference delegate five times. She also teaches “Inquirers” classes for potential new members at Mechanic Grove. When asked about her vision for District Ministry, Misty said, “I believe strongly in District Ministry. Our District provides invaluable services to our congregations, congregants and pastors. I encourage people to be involved, to financially support the District, and to take their questions and concerns to the District as it is appropriate. I have been blessed to be involved as a delegate to District Conference several times and understand the work of the District to be vital to our ministries not only in our District, but in the denomination as well.”




Friday, October 5- Worship Service, 7:00pm

Misty Wintsch, Speaker
50 Year Ministers Recognized:  Galen Brumbaugh & Benjamin Simmons
ACTS  Graduates Recognized

FREE to attend and ALL are welcome.


This year’s District Conference will feature a District-wide Choir, consisting of choir members from the various congregations throughout our District. The choir will sing during the Friday evening worship service. Joy Brubaker, from Midway, will serve as the Choir Director and Ryan Arndt, from West Green Tree, will serve as Accompanist for the choir. The choir will lead special music for the worship service. Members from all the District churches are invited to participate in this very special event. If you are interested or have any questions, please call Evy Brubaker at 717-733-6253 or email her at by August 26.




Saturday, October 6- District Conference & Insight Sessions

Lunch & Learns- Space is limited.  Register Early!

Hugging Porcupines:  A ministry of Nurture amongst Plugged in Youth – Nurturing our Youth:  How your church can come alongside and support the youth in your congregation. (maximum of 48 people)

Meet Pete – ANE’s  New District Executive – The session with Pete will be a time to get to know him better as person, minister, and now as District Executive.  Much of the session will focus on Pet’s vision for the district and how we can work together as the Body of Christ to further the work of the Kingdom.  Questions for Pete will be welcome throughout the session. (maximum of 64 people)

The Young Center:  Jeff Bach – Listen and Learn first-hand from the Young Center Director, Jeff Bach.  Dr. Bach is a well-known CoB minister, author and professor.  Tour the Young Center for an opportunity to learn about the history of Anabaptist and Pietist groups and communal societies.  (maximum of 64 people)


Childcare is available this year for those in need through Elizabethtown CoB.

Sign-ups for childcare will open August 1.  $20/child, or $50/family – refunded upon pick-up.  Click HERE to register!

Conference Schedule

7:30am – Bible Study with Brian Berkey, Moderator-Elect

Conflict and Reconciliation – Philippian Style – Philippians 4:2-9
Disagreements and conflicts of various types have been part of the Christian church from the beginning.  In many cases it was dealing with these conflicts that resulted in the letters that make up much of the New Testament.  These letters can provide 21st century Christians with insights into dealing with such conflicts in our day.

Philippians is one of Paul’s most upbeat letters in the New Testament, however, even here, there are indications of conflict within the Philippian church, one of which is hinted at in verse 2 and 3 of Philippians 4.  In keeping with the overall theme of the 2018 Atlantic Northeast District Conference, this year’s Saturday morning Bible Study will examine how Paul encourages the Philippian church, as well as us today, to “think on these things” as a way to deal with conflict and bring about reconciliation.

Conference Revised Agenda





Registration Fees:  (includes conference booklet, breakfast, lunch and insight sessions on Saturday)

Delegate Registration
Non Delegate Registration
May 1 – July 1:  $30
May 1 – September 15: $30
July 2 – September 15:  $35
Day of Conference:  $40
Day of Conference:  $40


Before registering for District Conference, registrars must know for each Delegate:
Name, Email (or address), Lunch & Learn selection (if applicable), and childcare needs



Please review the number of Delegates allowed for your congregation.  The number may have changed due to changes to your membership.  Click Here

Want to come to District Conference and need overnight accommodations?  Live in the Elizabethtown Area and can host incoming Delegates and Non-Delegates for the night?  Contact Christine Dugan (information below).  Breakfast is provided by District Conference for all attendees.


Thank you to all of our brothers and sisters who attended, volunteered, and participated in the 48th Annual District Conference on October 7, 2017.  It was an extraordinary day full of business, fellowship and worship, where attendees were “Transformed Into His Image”, the theme of the conference.  Throughout the day, members of the ANE District came together as a whole to gather in song and prayer, testimonials were shared, inspiring messages were delivered, important business commenced, and prayers were lifted up for one another.  What a beautiful day the Lord made!



Minutes from the 2017 District Conference

On the day of conference, Pete Kontra, the newly appointed District Executive, was introduced.  Click here to view the video on Facebook.

Save the Date for our 50th Annual District Conference!

October 4-5, 2019

If you have questions, or would like additional information, please contact our District Conference Manager,
Christine Dugan at 717.367.4730 or